Home : Course Map : Chapter 9 : Java :
Other IO Topics
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Chapter 9

Console I/O
  Text Output 
     Demo 1

     Demo 2

  Tex 2t Input
     Demo 3

Demo 4
File Class
  File I/O
  File Output-Text
     Demo 5

  Formatter to File
     Demo 6

  File Input - Text
    Demo 7

  Scanner - Files
     Demo 8

  File I/O - Binary
     Demo 9
   Demo 10
File Chooser Dialog
  Demo 11

Character Codes
  Demo 12
Object I/O
Types to Bytes
Stream Filters
Other I/O Topics

Character I/O
  Demo 1   Demo 2
Random Access
  Demo 3
ZIP/GZIP Streams
  Demo 4
Piped Streams
  Demo 5
NIO Framework
More NIO
  Demo 6

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Java I/O is a big issue and we will come back to it often. There are several other classes and packates that we didn't have time to discuss here. Some of these include:

The Chapter 9: Tech section uses histograms to illustrate several of the I/O techniques discussed in this chapter. The topics include:


Java Stream Tables

It can inially be confusing to find the correct type of I/O classes to use for a particular kind of data. You can check the tables here to find the starting class for your I/O task and ways to wrap the class to add buffering, filtering, and other useful methods:

Input Stream Examples
Source Stream Wrappings
Console BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (System.in))
Text in a byte stream BufferedReader (new InputStreamReader (InputStream))
Text file BufferedReader (new FileReader (new File ("f.txt"))
Binary Data File DataInputStream (new FileInputStream (new File ("f.bin"))


Output Stream Examples
Destination Stream Wrappings
Console PrintWriter (new OutputStreamWriter (System.out))
Text in a byte stream PrintWriter (new BufferedWriter (new OutputStreamWriter (OutputStream)))
TextFile PrintWriter (new BufferedWriter ( new FileWriter (
new File ("f.txt")))
Binary Data File DataOutputStream (new FileOutputStream (new File ("f.bin"))




Latest update: Nov. 14, 2004

Histogram I/O
Hist I/O - Get/Set
  Demo 1
Hist I/O - Objects
  Demo 2
  Demo 3
Filtering Data
  Demo 4

Physics Model
Simulation Design
Physics Simulator
  Demo 1
Experiment Design
Experiment Sim.
  Demo 2
Expt. + Analysis
  Demo 3

  Part I Part II Part III
Java Core 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20
22 23 24

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12

Tech 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
Physics 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12

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