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Experiment Simulation with a Detector
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This program simulates both the drop experiment and the detector:

DropTestDetectApplet.java - simulate an experiment that measures the acceleration of a dropped mass. The detector looks at the times when the mass crosses fixed positions and calculates the change in velocity between the top pair and the bottom pair of measurements.

+ New Classes:
DropPanelDetect.java - a subclass of PlotPanel that displays the experiment simulation, i.e. the falling mass, and also the detector. The Detector object is passed the Graphics context object so that it can draw itself onto the panel.

DropModelDetect.java - generates the physics data for the simulation. It invokes the measure(-) method of the instance of the Detector type passed to it after every step in time.

DropDetector1.java - implementation of Detector, this class simulates the detector that measures the times when the mass crosses set positions. It uses the information on the mass's position and time obtained from the DropModelDetect instance. It displays the detector on the DropPanelDetect display.

Detector.java - interface to allow for generic detectors. DropModelDetect will invoke the method "measure(,,)" method for any implementation of this interface, such as DropDetector1. If other Detector implementations are are used, the code in DropModelDetect does not need modification.

+ Previous Classes:
Chapter 7: Tech: Histogram.java, HistPanel.java
Chapter 6: Tech: PlotPanel.java, PlotFormat.java


The path of the dropping ball is now crossed by lines representing sensors such as pairs of lights and photodiodes that detect the shadowing as the ball goes by. The travel times between pairs of marker lines are measured by the detector and displayed on a histogram.


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;

  * This program simulates an experiment in which the time of the
  * fall of a mass in a constant gravitational field is measured.
  * It illustrates the basic components of a simulation of any
  * physics experiment.
  * The applet uses DropPanelDetect to simulate the dropping of a
  * mass in a constant gravitational field. A HistPanel displays
  * a histogram of the measurements of the acceleration. The
  * DropDetector class draws the detector.
  * The java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask are used
  * to update the animation of the drop.
  * Includes "Drop" button to initiate the dropping.
  * The number of drops and a speed factor taken from 2 text fields.
  * "Reset"  button clears the histogram.
  * In standalone mode, the Exit button closes the program.
  * This program will run as an applet inside
  * an application frame.
public class DropTestDetectApplet extends JApplet
             implements ActionListener
  // The DropPanel displays the animation of the
  // falling mass.
  DropPanelDetect fDropPanel;

  // The DropModel generates the physics data.
  DropModelDetect fDropModel;

  // Use the HistPanel JPanel subclass here
  HistPanel fHistPanel;

  Histogram fHistogram;
  int fNumDataPoints = 100;

  boolean fMakingHist = false;
  boolean fUpdateDisplay = false;

  // Use the java.util Timer and TimerTask combo
  // for timing events.
  java.util.Timer fTimer;

  // A text field for getting number of drops per
  // run and the time factor
  JTextField fMaxNumDropsField;
  JTextField fTFactorField;

  // Flag for whether the applet is in a browser
  // or running via the main () below.
  boolean fInBrowser = true;

  JButton fGoButton;   // start drop
  JButton fClearButton;// resets histogram
  JButton fExitButton;

   // Starting coordinates of drop
  double fXBallStart =  25.0; // cm
  double fYBallStart = 200.0; // cm
  double fYBallEnd   =   0.0; // cm

  // Use a detector to measure the drop times.
  Detector fDetector;

  // Mark the positions  (in cm) where the detector measures
  // the ball dropping.
  double [] fYMarkers = { 190.0,180.0, 30.0, 20.0};

  // SD in the measured values for the marker positions and t (sec).
  //  (Allow for smearing of marker position for further experimentation.)
  double []fYMarkerSigmas = {  0.1, 0.0005};

  // Coordinate of ball.
  double fXBall;
  double fYBall;

  // Initial velocity.
  double fVyBallStart = 0.0;
  double fVxBallStart = 0.0;

  // Time in millisecs for the drop
  double fTDropTotal;
  double fTFrame = 0.020; // in secs

  // Speed up or slow down factor for animation:
  double fTFactor = 1.0;

  // Allow for multiple drops per "run"
  int fMaxNumDrops = 10;
  int fNumDrops = 0;

    *  Initialize the display. Create Detector and Model
    *  objects to use for the physics and experiment simulation.
    *  DropPanelDetect displays the dropping ball and the
    *  detector. Add a HistPanel to display the data.

  public void init () {

    // Create a detector
    fDetector = new DropDetector1 ();
    // Pass the detector the parameters to use.
    fDetector.init (null, fYMarkers,fYMarkerSigmas);

    // Create the drop physics model
    fDropModel = new DropModelDetect (fDetector);
    fDropModel.reset (fYBallStart, fVyBallStart);

    JPanel panel = new JPanel (new BorderLayout ());

    // Use a textfield to get the number of drops per run.
    fMaxNumDropsField =
      new JTextField (Integer.toString (fMaxNumDrops), 10);

    // Use a textfield to get the number of drops per run.
    fTFactorField =
      new JTextField (Double.toString (fTFactor), 10);

    // If return hit after entering text, the
    // actionPerformed will be invoked.
    fMaxNumDropsField.addActionListener (this);
    fTFactorField.addActionListener (this);

    fGoButton = new JButton ("Drop");
    fGoButton.addActionListener (this);

    // Here the clear button will reset the histogram
    fClearButton = new JButton ("Reset");
    fClearButton.addActionListener (this);

    fExitButton = new JButton ("Exit");
    fExitButton.addActionListener (this);

    JPanel control_panel = new JPanel (new GridLayout (1,2));
    JPanel panel1 = new JPanel (new GridLayout (1,2));
    JPanel panel2 = new JPanel (new GridLayout (1,3));

    panel1.add (fMaxNumDropsField);
    panel1.add (fTFactorField);

    panel2.add (fGoButton);
    panel2.add (fClearButton);
    panel2.add (fExitButton);

    control_panel.add (panel1);
    control_panel.add (panel2);

    // Create an instance of the DropPanel
    // Make the panel 10% taller than starting position.
    fDropPanel = new DropPanelDetect (fYBallStart*1.1, 0.0, fDetector);

    // Create a histogram to plot the variance in the
    // drop times.
    fHistogram = new Histogram ("Acceleration","dv/dt",
    fHistPanel = new HistPanel (fHistogram);

    JPanel holder_panel = new JPanel (new GridLayout (1,2));
    holder_panel.add (fDropPanel);
    holder_panel.add (fHistPanel);

    panel.add (holder_panel,"Center");
    panel.add (control_panel,"South");

    // Add text area with scrolling to the content pane.
    add (panel);

  } // init

  /** Stop the timer if the browser page unloaded. **/
  public void stop () {
    runDone ();
  } //stop

    *  Respond to the buttons. For a click on "Drop" button,
    *  execute the number of drops in the text field.
    *  Also, obtain the animation speed factor from the other
    *  text field. The Reset button will clear the histogram
    *  and reset the drop stats.
  public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
    Object source = e.getSource ();
    if (source == fGoButton) {
      if (fGoButton.getText ().equals ("Drop")) {
        try {
          fMaxNumDrops =
            Integer.parseInt (fMaxNumDropsField.getText ());
          fTFactor =
            Double.parseDouble (fTFactorField.getText ());
        catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
          // Could open an error dialog here but just
          // display a message on the browser status line.
          showStatus ("Bad input value");
        dropReset ();
        fGoButton.setText ("Stop");
        fClearButton.setEnabled (false);

      } else {
        dropDone ();
    else if (source == fClearButton) {
        fHistogram.clear ();
        repaint ();
    else if (!fInBrowser)
        System.exit (0);

  } // actionPerformed

    *  Before each set of drops, need to create a new timer,
    *  and set up its schedule. The PaintHistTask innner class
    *  object will do the setup for each frame of a drop animation.
  void dropReset () {

    // Before starting the drop, create the timer task
    // that will cause the histogram display to update
    // during the filling.
    // Create a timer. TimerTask created in MakeHist ()
    fTimer = new java.util.Timer ();

    fDropModel.reset (fYBallStart, fVyBallStart);
    fDropPanel.reset (fXBallStart, fYBallStart);

    // Start the timer after 20ms and then repeat calls
    // to run in PaintHistTask object by the rate set by
    // the fTFrame value.
    fTimer.schedule (new PaintHistTask (), 20, (int) (fTFrame*1000));

    // Reset time sum
    fTDropTotal = 0.0;
    fNumDrops = 0;
    fYBall = fYBallStart;
    fXBall = fXBallStart;

    // Reset the detector.
    fDetector.reset ();

  } // dropReset

    * Use the inner class technique to define the
    * TimerTask subclass for stepping through the
    * drop calculation and the frame refresh.
    * Use the real time in the drop calculation instead
    * of the given frame rate times in case there were
    * delays from thread interruptions, the processing
    * in the parts of the program take extra time, etc.
  class PaintHistTask extends java.util.TimerTask
    public void run () {

       // Drop the ball
       fYBall = fDropModel.step (fTFactor * fTFrame);

       // Update the position of the ball in the
       // animation and redraw the frame.
       fDropPanel.updatePosition (fXBall, fYBall);

       // Check if ball has crossed the finish line.
       if ( fYBall <= fYBallEnd) dropDone ();

    } // run
  } // PaintHistTask

    *  Invoked when all the drops are done. Reset
    *  all the parameters to set up for another drop.
  public void dropDone () {
    // Analyze the detector data
    analyseData ();


    // Check if all drops completed.
    if ( fNumDrops == fMaxNumDrops){
        // If so then finish up the data recording
        // for this run and return.
        runDone ();

    // Reset time sum
    fTDropTotal = 0.0;
    fYBall = fYBallStart;
    fXBall = fXBallStart;

    fDropPanel.reset (fXBallStart, fYBallStart);
    fDropModel.reset (fYBallStart, fVyBallStart);
    fDetector.reset ();

  } // dropDone

   *  Get the data measurements from the detector and calculate
   *  and plot data and derived values.
  public void analyseData () {

    double [][] measuredTimes = fDetector.getResults ();
    int numMarkers = measuredTimes[0].length;

    // Get the average velocity over the top gap
    double dtMeasured = measuredTimes[0][1] - measuredTimes[0][0];
    double dy = fYMarkers[0] - fYMarkers[1];
    double velTop = dy/dtMeasured;

    // Get the average velocity over the bottom gap
    dtMeasured = measuredTimes[0][numMarkers-1] -
    dy = fYMarkers[numMarkers-2] - fYMarkers[numMarkers-1];
    double velBot = dy/dtMeasured;

    double tTop =  (measuredTimes[0][1]+measuredTimes[0][0])/2.0;
    double tBot =  

    // Get the change in velocity between the two gaps.
    double accel =
       (velBot-velTop)/ (tBot-tTop);

    fHistogram.add (accel);
  } // analyseData

    *  Invoked when all the drops in a set are done. Kills
    *  the timer.  (A new timer will be created in dropReset ()
    *  for a new set of drops.)
    *  Display the histogram with the additional data.
  public void runDone () {

    // Stop the animation.
    fTimer.cancel ();

    // Update histogram
    fHistPanel.repaint ();

    // Reset the buttons.
    fGoButton.setText ("Drop");
    fClearButton.setEnabled (true);
  } // runDone

  /** Offer the option of running the applet in an app frame. **/
  public static void main (String[] args) {
    int frame_width=450;
    int frame_height=300;

    DropTestDetectApplet applet = new DropTestDetectApplet ();
    applet.fInBrowser = false;
    applet.init ();

    // Following anonymous class used to close window & exit program
    JFrame f = new JFrame ("Drop Test");
    f.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

    // Add applet to the frame
    f.getContentPane ().add ( applet);
    f.setSize (new Dimension (frame_width,frame_height));
    f.setVisible (true);
  } // main

} // DropTestDetectApplet

import java.awt.*;
import javax.swing.*;

  *  This subclass of PlotPanel provides a
  *  display for a dropped object.
public class DropPanelDetect extends PlotPanel

  Color fBgColor = Color.WHITE;
  Color fBallColor = Color.RED;

  double fXBall, fYBall;
  int fXBallOld=0,fYBallOld=-1;
  double fXStart,fYStart;

  // Limits for the vertical scale
  double fYDataMax = 2000.0; // Height in cm
  double fYDataMin =    0.0;

  // Limits for the horizontal scale
  double fXDataMax = 50.0;
  double fXDataMin =  0.0;

  // Numbers to use for plotting axes scale values
  double [] fXScaleValue = new double[2];
  double [] fYScaleValue;
  int fNumYScaleValues = 5;
  int fNumXScaleValues = 2;

  Detector fDetector;

    *  Create the panel and set up the scaling for the
    *  box in which to plot the dropped object.

    *  Pass a link to the detector, which will
    *  draw itself on the animation.
    *  @param fYDataMax - vertical scale max limit  (cm)
    *  @param fYDataMin - vertical scale min limit  (cm)
  public DropPanelDetect (double y_data_max, double y_data_min,
                         Detector detector) {
    fDetector = detector;

    fYDataMax = y_data_max;
    fYDataMin = fYDataMin;

    // Starting point
    fYStart = y_data_max * 0.9;
    fYBall = fYStart;
    fXBall = fXDataMax/2.0;// Put ball in middle

    // The horizontal axes scaling will be fixed
    // Use arbitrary default of 0 to 50 for scale.
    fXScaleValue[0] = 0.0;
    fXScaleValue[fNumXScaleValues-1] = fXDataMax;

    // The vertical  (y) values can be changed
    // so do the scaling in this method.
    getScaling ();

    setBackground (fBgColor);
  } // ctor

   * Get the values for the scaling numbers on
   * the vertical axis in case the limits have
   * changed.
  void getScaling () {
    getPositions ();

    fYScaleValue = new double[fNumYScaleValues];

    fYScaleValue[0] = fYDataMin;
    fYScaleValue[fNumYScaleValues-1] = fYDataMax;

    // Then calculate the difference between the values
    double range = fYScaleValue[fNumYScaleValues-1]
                        - fYScaleValue[0];
    double del = range/ (fNumYScaleValues-1);

    // Now set the intermediate scale values.
    for (int i=1; i <  (fNumYScaleValues-1); i++) {
        fYScaleValue[i] = i*del + fYScaleValue[0];
  } // getScaling

    *  For each time increment, update the position
    *  of the falling object.
  public void updatePosition (double x, double y){

    fXBall = x;
    fYBall = y;
    if (y >= fYDataMin){
        repaint ();
  } // updatePosition

    *  For a new drop, reset the starting position
    *  and redraw the plot area.
  public void reset (double fXStart, double fYStart){
    fXBall = fXStart;
    fYBall = fYStart;

    fYDataMax = fYStart * 1.1;
    getScaling ();

    repaint ();

  } // reset

  /** Draw the ball falling. */
  void paintContents (Graphics g) {
    // Draw the numbers along the axes
    drawAxesNumbers (g, fXScaleValue, fYScaleValue);

    // Need conversion factor from data scale to pixel scale
    double y_convert = fFrameHeight/ (fYDataMax-fYDataMin);
    double x_convert = fFrameWidth/fXDataMax;

    // For dropped object use size relative to the frame.
    int sym_dim =  (int) (fFrameWidth *.02);

    // Clear previous  ball position
    if (fYBallOld > 0 ){
      g.setColor (fBgColor);
      g.fillOval (fXBallOld-sym_dim,fYBallOld-sym_dim, 2*sym_dim, 2*sym_dim);

    // Draw detector in first frame.
    fDetector.draw (g,fFrameX,fFrameY,fFrameWidth,fFrameHeight,

    // Set the foreground color back to the ball color
    g.setColor (fBallColor);

    int x =  (int)(fXBall*x_convert)+fFrameX;
    int y = fFrameHeight -  (int)(fYBall*y_convert)+fFrameY;

    g.fillOval (x-sym_dim,y-sym_dim, 2*sym_dim, 2*sym_dim);

    // Save current ball coords for erasure in
    // next frame.

  } // paintContents

    * Return the title at the top of the plot.
    * Overrides method in PlotPanel.
  String getTitle ()
  {  return "Drop Tower Demo";}

    * Return the label on the horizontal axis.
    * Overrides method in PlotPanel.
  String getXLabel ()
  {  return "";}

} // DropPanelDetect
  *  This class models the dropping of a mass in
  *  a constant gravitational field.
public class DropModelDetect
  // Initial coordinates.
  double fYStart  = 100.0;
  double fVyStart = 0.0;

  // Parameters of the dropped mass.
  double t, y, vy;

  // Keep track of time in the drop.
  double fTotalT = 0.0;

  // Constant gravitational field at the surface of the earth.
  final static double G_ACCEL  = -980.0;// centimeter per sec**2

  // Need a reference to a detector
  Detector fDetector;

  // Need an array for passing data to the detector.
  double [] fVals = new double[2];

    * Pass a reference to the detector for this
    * physics model.
  public DropModelDetect (Detector detector){
    fDetector = detector;
  } // ctor

    *  Set the initial vertical position and velocity
    *  and the number of integration steps for a given
    *  delta time value.
  public void reset (double y_start, double vy_start){
    fYStart  = y_start;
    fVyStart = vy_start;
    y  = y_start;
    vy = vy_start;
    fTotalT = 0.0;
  } // reset

    *  Calculate the change in position and velocity
    *  for each increment in time between animation frames.
    *  For accurate measurements, the detector needs finer
    *  increments in time, so the integration of the equations
    *  of motion occur at a finer scale than the frame time.
    *  As the speed increases, the distance covered in an fixed
    *  time interval increases. To maintain similar precision in
    *  vertical position measurements, the fine step sizes are made
    *  smaller in proportional to the speed.
    *  @dt dt is the frame time for the animation.
  public double step (double dt) {

    // Measure the drop in substeps of the frame dt
    // Keep the substeps small enough for an inital vy
    // such that an increment in 0.01cm can be detected
    int n_increments = 40;
    double delT;

    delT = dt/n_increments;
    double total_del_t = 0.0;

    // Cycle through substeps
    for (int i=0; i < n_increments; i++) {
      y = y + vy * delT;
      vy = vy + G_ACCEL * delT;
      total_del_t = i * delT;

      // Now send the current position and time
      // info to the detector.
      fVals[0] = y;
      fVals[1] = fTotalT + total_del_t;
      fDetector.measure (fVals);

    // Sum the accumlated time so far.
    fTotalT += dt;

    return y;
  } // step

} // DropModelDetect
import java.awt.*;

  *  This class simulates a detector measuring the
  *  the time it takes for a mass to drop in the
  *  drop simulation.
public class DropDetector1 implements Detector
  double [] fSigmas;
  double [][] fData;

  int fNumMarkers;
  double []  fMarkerLines;
  double []  fMarkerTimes;
  boolean [] fMarkerFlags;

  boolean fAllMarkersCrossed;

  // Create an instance of the Random class for
  // producing our random values.
  static java.util.Random fRan = new java.util.Random ();

  /** Setup the detector. **/
  public void init (int [] setup,
                   double [] marker_lines,
                   double [] sigmas){

    // Get the S.D. for the measured parameters of interest.
    fSigmas = sigmas;

    // Get the positions of the markers .
    fMarkerLines = marker_lines;
    fNumMarkers = marker_lines.length;
    fMarkerTimes = new double [fNumMarkers];
    fMarkerFlags = new boolean [fNumMarkers];

    // The data 2-D array used to pass measurements back.
    // For this case, only one array of data needed.
    fData = new double [1][];
    fData [0] = fMarkerTimes;

    reset ();

  /**  Initialize for each drop. **/
  public void reset () {
    // Reset variables
    for (int i=0; i < fNumMarkers; i++) {
      fMarkerFlags[i] = false;
    fAllMarkersCrossed = false;

    *  For the y and accumulated drop time, obtain the
    *  simulated measured time by a Gaussian smearing.

    *  @param vals - 2 element array with the y and time values.
  public void measure (double [] vals) {
    if ( fAllMarkersCrossed) return;

    // Find if a marker line reached yet.
    for (int i=0; i < fNumMarkers; i++) {
      if (!fMarkerFlags[i] &&
          fMarkerLines[i] >= vals[0]) {
        if (i == fNumMarkers-1) fAllMarkersCrossed = true;

        // Smear the time measure according to the given
        // Gaussian SD value.
        fMarkerTimes[i] = vals[1] +
                        fSigmas[1] * fRan.nextGaussian ();      ;

  } // measure

  /** Return the measurement times at each marker. **/
  public double [][] getResults (){
    return fData;

  /** Return the number of measured points along the drop. **/
  public int getNumMeasurements () {
    return fNumMarkers;

    *  Draw the detector markers as horizonatal lines.
    *  Also draw some vertical lines it indicate a drop
    *  area.
  public void draw (Graphics g, int x0, int y0, int dx, int dy,
                    double x_convert, double y_convert) {

    Color origColor = g.getColor ();
    g.setColor (Color.BLUE);

    // Draw the vertical sides of detector
    int x_side_left = x0 +  (int) (0.25 * dx);
    int x_side_rite = x0 +  (int) (0.75 * dx);
    int y_side_1 =    y0 +  (int) (0.10 * dy);
    int y_side_2 =    y0 +  (int) (0.95 * dy);

    g.drawLine (x_side_left,y_side_1,x_side_left,y_side_2);
    g.drawLine (x_side_rite,y_side_1,x_side_rite,y_side_2);

    // Draw the horizontal marker lines where the
    // falling mass is detected.
    g.setColor (Color.ORANGE);
    int x_marker_1 = x0 +  (int) (0.30 * dx);
    int x_marker_2 = x0 +  (int) (0.70 * dx);

    for (int i=0; i < fNumMarkers; i++) {
         int yMark = y0 + dy -  (int) (fMarkerLines[i]*y_convert);
         g.drawLine (x_marker_1,yMark,x_marker_2,yMark);

    // Return to previous color.
    g.setColor (origColor);

  } // draw

} // DropDetector1
Detector (interface)
import java.awt.*;

/** Interface for detectors to measure drop positions. **/
public interface Detector {
  public void init (int [] setup, double [] params, double [] sigmas);
  public void reset ();
  public void measure (double [] x);
  public double [][] getResults ();
  public int getNumMeasurements ();

  public void draw (Graphics g, int x0, int y0, int dx, int dy,
                   double x_convert, double y_convert);
} // Detector


Most recent update: Oct. 25, 2005

Histogram I/O
Hist I/O - Get/Set
  Demo 1
Hist I/O - Objects
  Demo 2
  Demo 3
Filtering Data
  Demo 4

Physics Model
Simulation Design
Physics Simulator
  Demo 1
Experiment Design
Experiment Sim.
  Demo 2
Expt. + Analysis
  Demo 3

  Part I Part II Part III
Java Core 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20
22 23 24

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12

Tech 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
Physics 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12

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