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Chapter 11

Image Class
Image Loading
  Demo 1 Demo 2  
  Demo 3
Pixel Handling
  Demo 4  
Demo 5

Java 2D Imaging
Creating Buf.Image
Pixel Handling
  Demo 1 Demo 2
     Demo 3
     Demo 4
     Demo 5 Demo 6
     Demo 7
  Color Conversion
     Demo 8
     Demo 9
Java Adv Imaging
AWT Flicker:
  Override Update
     Demo 1  Demo 2
     Demo 3
  Double Buffer
     Demo 4

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In the Java track of Chapter 11 we focused on the java.awt.Image class. The Image class is fine for basic image tasks but it has limited capabilities. With Java 1.2 and the Java2D classes, came the java.awt.image.BufferedImage, which is a subclass of Image. It provides a more open and structured internal design with much greater access to the image data.

As shown in figure 11.1, a BufferedImage includes a ColorModel object and a Raster object, which in turn contains instances of SampleModel and Databuffer.







Figure Suppl.11.1 - The BufferedImage class object holds
a ColorModel object and a Raster obejct, which in turn holds a
DataBuffer and a SampleModel.

A color model refers to how to the data describes the colors as they will appear in the display. A common type of color model is RGB model in which each pixel is determined by the specified values of Red, Green, and Blue. Java offers an aRGB model where an alpha or transparency factor is included with the RGB values. One can also have grey scale models and index models where a data value holds an index into a palette of a fixed number of colors.

The raster refers to the data that specifies the colors of the individual pixels. The Raster instance is actually composed of the raw data in a Databuffer and a SampleModel that details how the raw data values get translated into the color specifications for the model.

The term sample refers to one of the component values that describes the pixel. For a RGB color model, for example, there are three samples - the red sample, the green sample, and the blue sample - that make up a pixel. The collection of values of a particular sample for all the pixels is referred to as a band. That is, if you filtered an image to show only the red values, this would be the red band.

The bands could be assembled in several different ways. For example, the band arrays could be assembled sequentially with the red array first, green array second and blue array last. Or they could be interleaved within a single array in triplets of samples for each pixel. That is, the first three array element hold the red, green, and blue samples, respectively, for the first pixel, and then repeats for the full image. We will show later that Java by default packs alpha and RGB samples for a pixel into a single 32 bit int value.


For BufferedImages you can use the image file loading techniques described in the Java track and then convert (see below) the Image object to a BufferedImage. However, you can also use the static methods supplied with the javax.imageio.ImageIO class. These include

  public static BufferedImage read (File input)

  public static BufferedImage read (URL input)

for GIF, PNG, and JPEG image files. You don't do image load monitoring with these methods. If you believe that image loading from a URL may cause a substantial delay, then you can do the reading in a thread or load as an image with the MediaTracker and then convert the Image to a BufferedImage when its ready.

If there are other image types available with your implementation you can use

  String[] formatNames = ImageIO.getReaderFormatNames ();

to find the full list. This method returns names such as "gif", "jpeg", and "png". (Java 1.5 will include "bmp".) This method

  formatNames = ImageIO.getReaderMIMETypes ();

returns strings in the form "image/jpeg" and "image/png" for the available image formats.

Creating BufferedImages

The BufferedImage class provides a constructor in which you pass the desired dimensions and a parameter indicating the type of object.

  BufferedImage bufImage =
     new BufferedImage(width, height,BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
  g = bufImage.getGraphics();

The overridden getGraphics() method for BufferedImage returns a Graphics2D object as its superclass Graphics type.. An alternative is to use the CreateGraphics() method that explicitly returns a Graphics2D type.

The third parameter in the BufferedImage constructor is the image format. In the above example, TYPE_INT_ARGB indicated the transparency + RGB components packed as 8 bit values in a 32 bit int value. TYPE_INT_RGB would create a RGB image with no alpha transparency. TYPE_BYTE_GRAY creates a gray scale image while TYPE_BYTE_BINARY for 1, 2 and 4 bit scale image with an indexed color model. The BufferedImage class includes over a dozen image type constants.

The devices (monitors, PDA screens, printers) for display can vary considerably in their resolution, color model, transparency, etc. You can create a BufferedImage with a GraphicsConfiguration object that defines the characteristics of the target device where a given graphics context (Graphics2D) will render the image:

  GraphicsEnvironment graphEnv =
  GraphicsDevice graphDev = ggraphEnv.getDefaultScreenDevice();
  GraphicsConfiguration graphConfig = graphDev.getDefaultConfiguration();

   // Can now create the image with the GraphicsConfiguration
   bimage = graphConfig.createCompatibleImage(width, height, type);

Here type = Transparency.OPAQUE, Transparency.OPAQUE, or Transparency.TRANSLUCENT

You can also obtain the GraphicsConfiguration from a given graphics context object - Graphics2D as in

  public void paint(Graphics g) {
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
    GraphicsConfiguration graphConfig = g2.getDefaultConfiguration();

and then you can create the BufferedImage as shown above from the GraphicsConfiguration.

Image to BufferedImage

The Java2D API offers many image tools and it works primarily with the BufferedImage class. You might encounter a situation where you obtain an Image object but you want to apply Java 2D operations to the image. You can obtain a BufferedImage object from an Image object by drawing the image onto the graphics context of the BufferedImage.  

  // Convert Image to BufferedImage
  Graphics2D bufImageGraphics = bufferedImage.createGraphics();
  bufImageGraphics.drawImage(image, 0, 0, null);

Another approach to creating images is to build them directly from pixel arrays. We will discuss this approach in the image processing sections later in this chapter.

References & Web Resources

Latest update: Dec. 3, 2004

Fractal Drawing
   Demo 1
Fractal Draw Code
Fractal Images
  Demo 2
Image Processing
  Demo 3
Histogram Image
  Demo 4

  Demo 1
  Demo 2


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