Home : Course Map : Chapter 6 : Java : Supplements :
Java2D: Text
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Chapter 6

  Demo 1
UI Components
  Demo 2
UI Layout
  Demo 3   Demo 4
Text Display
  Demo 5
  Demo 6   Demo 7
Draw Polygons
  Demo 8   Demo 9
Text Draw 
  Demo 10
  Demo 11

  Demo 1
  Demo 2
Text Drawing
  Demo 3
UI Components
  Demo 4

Shapes & Areas
  Demo 1   Demo 2
Stroke & Paint
  Demo 3
  Demo 4
  Demo 5   Demo 6
  Demo 7   Demo 8
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Java2D provides an enormous range of character display capabilities. At one end of the range, the glyphs, i.e. the actual shapes of particular characters in particular fonts, can be manipulated.

At the other end, text layout tools allow one to control such features as cursors and highlighting so that custom editors can be created. In the two demos below, we show some of these text techniques.

The first applet illustrates how individual characters can be rendered with particular attributes - font, size, color, etc. The AttributedString object holds the string and you can use its methods to set the attributes for for each character.


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;

import java.text.*;
import java.awt.font.*;

/** Demonstration of text interator in Java2D. **/
public class IteratorTextApplet extends JApplet
  public void init() {
    Container content_pane = getContentPane();

    // Create an instance of DrawingPanel
    IteratorTextPanel iterator_text_panel =
        new IteratorTextPanel();

    // Add the DrawingPanel to the content pane.
  } //init
} // class IteratorTextApplet

class IteratorTextPanel extends JPanel
  public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
    // First paint background

    // The context that is passed is actually
    // the Graphics2D sub-class of Graphics. So
    // we can cast it to Graphics2D and take advantage
    // of the additional tools that it has.
    Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;

    // Options on the rendering, i.e. the actual pixel settings
    // of the drawing, can be chosen via RenderingHints

    // Get two different font objects
    Font serifFont = new Font("Serif", Font.PLAIN, 56);
    Font sansSerifFont = new Font("Monospaced", Font.ITALIC, 56);

    String s = "Java2D Does Text!";

    // An AttributeString allows each element of the string
    // to be given its own font, color, etc.

    // Create an AttributeString from our String
    AttributedString attStr = new AttributedString(s);

    // Set the font for the whole string
    attStr.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, serifFont);

    //  Make the 4th & 5th characters blue
    attStr.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, Color.blue, 4, 6);

    //  Make characters 7 to 10 with a different font.
    attStr.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FONT, sansSerifFont, 7, 11);
    //  and also make them red.
    attStr.addAttribute(TextAttribute.FOREGROUND, Color.red, 7, 11);

    // drawString in Java2D knows how to step through the
    // AttributeString character by character and render each
    // one according to its attribute settings.
    g2.drawString(attStr.getIterator(), 15, 65);

  } // paintComponent

} // class IteratorTextPanel

In the next example, we show how to draw text with an image tiled to provide a texture for the filling to the glyph segments. (See also the previous texture example.)


import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;

import java.text.*;
import java.awt.font.*;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

/** Demonstration of drawing text with textured in Java2D.**/
public class TexturedTextApplet extends JApplet
  public void init ()  {
    Container content_pane = getContentPane ();

    // Create an instance of DrawingPanel
    TexturedTextPanel textured_text_panel =
        new TexturedTextPanel (getBufImage ());

    // Add the DrawingPanel to the contentPane.
    content_pane.add (textured_text_panel);
  } // init

  BufferedImage getBufImage () {
    // Get the image for the texture.
    java.net.URL url=null;
    try {
       url = new java.net.URL (getCodeBase (),
    } catch (java.net.MalformedURLException e) {
        String msg = "Error loading image Apollo16Lander.gif";
        System.err.println (msg);
        showStatus (msg);
        System.exit (0);
    // Grab an image using this trick with ImageIcon which
    // doesn't return until the image is loaded.
    Image img = new javax.swing.ImageIcon (url).getImage ();

    // Create a BufferedImage object for the texture class.
    // Should be same size as the Image
    BufferedImage buf_image =
      new BufferedImage (img.getWidth (null),
                         img.getHeight (null),

    // Get the  (offscreen) graphics context for this image
    Graphics2D g2 = buf_image.createGraphics ();
    // Draw the image onto the context  (remember that this is
    // all offscreen.
    g2.drawImage (img,null,null);
    return buf_image;
  } // getBufImage

} // class TexturedTextApplet

/** Panel on which to draw the textured text. **/
class TexturedTextPanel extends JPanel
  BufferedImage fBufImage;

  TexturedTextPanel (BufferedImage bImg) {
    fBufImage = bImg;
  } // ctor

  public void paintComponent (Graphics g) {
    // First paint background
    super.paintComponent (g);

    // The context that is passed is actually
    // the Graphics2D sub-class of Graphics. So
    // we can cast it to Graphics2D and take advantage
    // of the additional tools that it has.
    Graphics2D g2 =  (Graphics2D)g;

    // Options on the rendering, i.e. the actual pixel settings
    // of the drawing, can be chosen via RenderingHints
    g2.setRenderingHint (RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING,

    // Set the Graphics context font to the usual Times New Roman
    // with a big size.
    Font font = new Font ("Times New Roman", Font.PLAIN, 100);
    g2.setFont (font);

    // Create a texture rectangle the same size
    // as the texture image.
    Rectangle2D tr = new Rectangle2D.Double (
                             0, 0,
                             fBufImage.getWidth (),
                             fBufImage.getHeight ()

    // Create the TexturePaint. Need a BufferedImage and a rectangle
    // to create the "tile" that will be used for the texture.
    TexturePaint tp = new TexturePaint (fBufImage, tr);

    // Set out paint to this texture and then draw the string.
    g2.setPaint (tp);
    String s = "Java2D";
    g2.drawString (s, 20, 110);

  } // paintComponent

} // class TexturedTextPanel



Latest update: Oct. 27, 2004

Java Tech Graphics
Starting to Plot
  Demo 1
Drawing Panel
  Demo 2
Histogram Display

  Demo 3

Display Text Data
  Demo 1
Plot Data
  Demo 2
Find Max/Min
  Demo 3

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18 19 20
22 23 24

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12

Tech 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
Physics 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12

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