Home : Course Map : Chapter 6 : Java :
Text Display
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Chapter 6

  Demo 1
UI Components
  Demo 2
UI Layout
  Demo 3   Demo 4
Text Display
  Demo 5
  Demo 6   Demo 7
Draw Polygons
  Demo 8   Demo 9
Text Draw 
  Demo 10
  Demo 11

  Demo 1
  Demo 2
Text Drawing
  Demo 3
UI Components
  Demo 4

Shapes & Areas
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Stroke & Paint
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So far we discussed how to use JLabel, JTextField, JTextArea to display text. The JLabel component provides for the display of brief text (it can also display an icon; see the JLabel specifications) to help explain the workings of a user interface. The JTextField displays a single line while JTextArea provides for a multi-line display.

JTextField and JTextArea also allow users to modify the text, which can then become the input for processing of some kind.

In most of the examples in Chapter 1-5 we used System.out.println() to send string output to the console. It would obviously be much more user friendly to send the program output to a graphical interface.

In the example below we use a JTextArea to display text to take the place of the console. We put the JTextArea component on a JPanel subclass called TextOutputPanel. (We also put it into a JScrollPane to allow for scroll bars when text goes beyond the boundaries.)

We devise an interface called Outputable, which holds two methods: print(String) and println(String):

public interface Outputable
   static final char CR = '\n';

   // A method to print a string
   public void print (String str);

   // A method to print a string with a carriage return
   public void println (String str);


The TextOutputPanel class below implements Outputable. Its methods print(String) and println(String) methods send text to the JTextArea.


public class
TextOutputPanel extends JPanel implements Outputable
  // A Swing textarea for display of string info
  JTextArea textArea = null;
  public TextOutputPanel () {
    setLayout (new BorderLayout ());

    // Create an instance of JTextArea
    textArea = new JTextArea ();
    textArea.setEditable (false);

    // Add to a scroll pane so that a long list of
    // computations can be seen.

    JScrollPane areaScrollPane = new JScrollPane (textArea);
    add (areaScrollPane,"Center");

  public void println (String str) {
    textArea.append (str + CR);

  public void print (String str) {
    textArea.append (str);


The applet below uses the TextOutputPanel component to display text :

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;

/** Use a JPanel subclass TextOutputPanel to show text
  * output on the applet area.

public class
TextOutputApplet extends JApplet
  public void init() {   
    Container contentPane = getContentPane ();

    // Create an instance of the panel subclass
    // with JTextArea to show output

    TextOutputPanel output = new TextOutputPanel ();

    // Add the panel to the applet's pane
    contentPane.add (output);

    // Send text to the JTextArea.
    output.println (
      "TextOutputPanel implements the Outputable interface");
    output.println (
      "Outputable methods are print(String) & println(String)");

This example nicely illustrates the convenience of interfaces. While only a single class can be extended, there are no limits on the number of interfaces that can be implemented. So we can always modify a class to implement an interface when we want to provide new capabilities.

As exercises, the student should modify some of the Chapter 1-5 example programs such that they implement the Outputable interface in a similar manner and send string output to a text area rather than the console.


Latest update: Oct. 25, 2004

Java Tech Graphics
Starting to Plot
  Demo 1
Drawing Panel
  Demo 2
Histogram Display

  Demo 3

Display Text Data
  Demo 1
Plot Data
  Demo 2
Find Max/Min
  Demo 3

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