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Finding Roots
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In this section we discuss some methods for finding the roots of a single variable function. That is, for the function f(x), we want to find the value(s) of x where

     f(x) = 0

There is no guarantee that such a root exists for an arbitrary function, so the code must watch or test for cases where it doesn't.

We first look at the simplest method, Bisection, and then look at Newton's method.


The bisection method of root-finding only assumes that the function is continuous. Then the existence of a root can be determined by looking for an interval in x over which occurs a change in sign of f(x).

When such an interval is found, we can zero in (so to speak!) on the root by evaluating the function at the midpoint of that interval. Whether or not the sign changes indicates which half the root lies. We repeat this test for the interval containing the sign change until we are within a given tolerance distance to the zero crossing point.

The algorithm thus goes as follows:

For initial points xl and xh, separated by a given step size, evaluate f(xl) * f(xh) to find if


If not then increase xl and xh by dx and test again.
When a change in sign is found, find the midpoint


and then look for which half lies the root:


Repeat this process with step size reduced to half the old value. Continue until the function is near 0.0 within a given tolerance:


or the change in x from one step to the next is smaller than a given tolerance



Ballistic Targets

The following program uses the bisection method to calculate where a projectile will hit the ground. A method provides the altitude for a body in motion in a constant gravitational field. We put values for the constants and the initial angle into instance variables.

(Output goes to browser's Java console.)

public class Bisection_Applet5 extends java.applet.Applet

 // Data for a ballistic trajectory at a given angle

 double tan = Math.tan(Math.PI / 4.0);
 double cos = Math.cos(Math.PI / 4.0);
 double g = 9.8; // m/s^2
 double v0 = 100; // m/s

 public void init()
     double double xl = 0.0;
double xh = 1.0;
double xm = 0.5;
double step = 1.0;
double dif = 1.0;

     // Constants
double maxSteps = 50000;
double tol = 1.0E-2;

     int numSteps = 0;

       if( f_method(xl) * f_method(xh) > 0)
         xl += step;
         xh += step;
       } else
         xm = (xh+xl)/2.0;
         if( f_method(xl) * f_method(xm) < 0)
         { // Root on lower half
           xh = (xm+xl)/2.0;
         } else
         { // Root on upper half
           xl = xm;
           xh = (xh+xl)/2.0;
        dif = Math.abs(f_method(xm));
        step = xh-xl;
     } while ( dif > tol && numSteps < maxSteps);

     System.out.println("After steps ="+numSteps);
     System.out.println("Last step size = "+step);
     System.out.println("Root x = "+xm+
                        " within tolerance ="+dif);


  double f_method(double x)

     double val = x*tan - (0.5*g*x*x)/(v0*v0*cos*cos); ;
     return val;


  // Paint message in Applet window.
  public void paint(java.awt.Graphics g)
g.drawString("Bisection_Applet5",10,20); }

  // Can also run this program as an application.
  // No windowing needed so just run the applets
  // init() function.

  public static void main(String [] args)
    Bisection_Applet5 obj = new Bisection_Applet5();



Note: We used starter Start_Applet5.java, which takes advantage of the trick of including the main() method so that it can run as a standalone application or as an applet.

The output of the above program gives

After steps = 4082
Last step size = 0.015625
Root x = 1020.40625 within tolerance = 0.001913261718755166

For such problems you typically will use some prior knowledge to guess at a inital starting value, the direction to step in, and so forth.

Exercise: Modify the code to try a different angle for the shot.


Latest update: Dec.15.2003

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Root Finding
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