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Memory Management & Garbage Collection
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A big practical advantage of programming in Java over C, C++ and many other languages involves Java's much simpler memory management. In fact, the Java programmer can leave most of the memory management up to the internal Garbage Collector (GC).

The GC runs in a thread (a parallel process, see Chapter 8) in the JVM. When the free memory drops below a threshold the GC begins to run to eliminate unneeded objects. Exactly when it runs and for how long, however, cannot be controlled by the user program.

Note: This unpredictability of the GC, in fact, causes serious problems for real-time (RT) applications of Java. It violates the deterministic requirements of a RT system in which the start time and duration of a process must be explicitly known within definite tolerances. A special set of specifications have been developed for RT Java and the GC is a major focus. The JVM does not actually require a GC and in some special situations, the GC is simply turned off or left out. In that case, the program must itself make sure that it does not run out of memory. In Chapter 24 : Embedded Java we discuss how some Java hardware processors, such as the Parallax Javelin, use this approach.

If a section of memory previously used by an object is no longer referenced by any variable, the garbage collector will release this memory for re-use by new objects. This takes place automatically without any input from the user program. There are no heap commands such malloc() and free() functions in C needed to allocate or de-allocate memory buffers. Java does use a similar "new" operator as in C++ for creating objects but has no "delete" operator.

GC Designs

The JVM Specification does not in fact specify very much about the GC. It leaves considerable room for variation in implementation. Research continues in the computer science community for fast and efficient GC algorithms. A GC must meet a number of difficult challenges:

  • Recognize and eliminate dead (unreferenced) objects from the heap
  • Keep the heap from becoming so fragmented that new objects don't easily fit.
  • Minimize the processing time taken away from the application
  • Recognize circular cases where dead objects (that is, objects no longer accessible from the live thread processes or from static references) referencing each other and so might give them the appearance of life.

Some of the most common GC designs include (Ref.1)

  • Copying Collector
    Scan through all references to determine which objects are live (referenced) and copy them to one half of the heap. When finished, free up the old half. Restart the application. Repeat when free memory drops below a threshold.

  • Mark & Sweep
    Scan through all references and mark the objects that are live. Free up the areas occupied by dead objects.

  • Mark & Compact
    Similar to Mark & Sweep except after the marking phase, the live objects are copied to a free area and all of the area previously occupied by objects is freed up.

  • Generational
    Most objects in most programs only last a brief time. It is more efficient to concentrate on freeing up memory from the short-lived objects and spend as little time as possible checking on old but stable objects. The generational GC creates at least two sub-heap areas with one for short-lived objects and the other for old objects. A Mark & Sweep or other GC algorithm would work on the short-lived heap. Those objects that last beyond a few cycles are moved to the long-lived heap, which is only checked occasionally.

These types of algorithms must interrupt the application threads and complete their job before returning control. There are some algorithms that work in an incremental approach, rather than completing a full clean-up at one go, and thus interfere less with the program.

Memory Leaks

Memory leak refers to the loss of free memory in the heap to unusable data as a program runs. This can lead to inefficient memory utilization and eventually to a crash of the program when no free memory remains. Even with the garbage collector, memory leaks can still occur in Java.

Exampes of situations that create memory leaks include (ref.2)

  • Maintaining references to unneeded objects
    For example, a method might create temporary objects in the first section of the method and then go on to do other tasks such as a loop in which the temporary objects are no longer needed. If references to the temporary objects remain, then the objects will not be collected and take up memory. In such cases the references should explicitly be set to null.

  • Waiting for finalizer
    A class can override the finalize() method and use it to do clean up tasks before the object is reclaimed by the GC. However, there is no way to know when the finalizer will be called and if a lot of objects with finalizers are waiting for their final invocation, a lot of memory might be used up. Generally, it is recommended to avoid use of the finalize() method and instead create a clean up method that you call explicitly when the object is no longer needed.

References & Web Resources

  1. Nagendra Nagarajayya and J. Steven Mayer, Improving Java Application Performance and Scalability by Reducing Garbage Collection Times and Sizing Memory , July 2002, at java.sun.com.
  2. Steve Wilson , Jeff Kesselman The Truth About Garbage Collection at JavaTM Platform Performance Strategies and Tactics, 2001, Sun Microsystems,Inc.


Latest update: June 16, 2005

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