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If a Java program attempts to carry out an illegal operation, it does not necessarily halt processing at that point. In most cases, the JVM provides for the possiblity of catching the problem and recovering from it. To emphasize that such problems are not fatal, the term exception is used rather than error.

For example, what if by accident we put a non-numeric string into an applet tag parameter and it is passed to the wrapper method Integer.parseInt() as shown below:

  class myApplet extends Applet

   init ()

String int_string = getParameter ("intNumber");
     // If the parameter returned is not a
     // numeric string, there will be a problem:

     int data =
         Integer.parseInt (int_string
     aMethod (data);

In this case, a Java run-time exception would be generated and the applet would halt.

Java exception handling provides for a systematic way for the user to respond to such errors and to decide on an appropriate response rather than simply letting the program come to a stop.

Without an exception handling system built-in to the language, you would have to write your own routine to test the string for numeric numbers. Similarly, for other possible errors you would need to write special code to catch them before they caused an error.

For example, in the code below we create a special method to test if a String holds a valid integer value before the string goes to the parseInt method.

int_string = getParameter ("intNumber");
  if (testIfInt (int_string))
    Integer.parseInt (int_string);

    ErrorFlag = MY_ERROR_BAD_FORMAT;
    return -1;
  boolean testIfInt (String str)

    ... code to test characters for numbers ..

Thankfully, we can avoid all of this extra coding and instead use the Java try{}catch(Exception e){} operation to handle exceptions. In the following code segment, for example, we surround the parseInt method invocation with a try-catch pair.

   String int_string = getParameter ("intNumber");

     int data = Integer.parseInt (int_string);

     aFunctionSetup (data);

(NumberFormatException e)

     flag = -1;

Here, the Integer class method parseInt throws an instance of the NumberFormatException class if the string passed does not represent a valid integer number.

If the intString is not a valid integer string, the processing will jump from the parseInt line to the code in the catch code body. Here, the flag = -1; statement would execute. 

Generating Exceptions

How does the parseInt method generate an exception? If we looked inside the code of the parseInt method we would see something like the following:

 public static int parseInt (String s, int radix)
    throws NumberFormatException {

   ...code to check if the string is a number and if
   ...it isn't then:

   throw new NumberFormatException (s);

The throws NumberFormatException phrase in the method signature indicates that the method includes a throw statement of that type somewhere in the method code. We see here a throw statement creates an instance of the exception and causes the routine to return with this exception to be caught in a try-catch in the method that invoked it.

Or, alternatively the invoking method must include a throws NumberFormatException in its own method signature so that the method that invoked it will either catch that exception or throw the exception itself. Exceptions can thus be passed up the line, so to speak, until a method finally catches it.

The constructors for an exception may include arguments with which you can pass useful information about the circumstances of the exception. The catch code can then examine this info using methods for the particular type of exception.

Generating Exceptions

Java divides exceptions into two categories:

  1. General exceptions
  2. Run-time exceptions

The general exceptions (also called checked exceptions) must be handled. That is, a try-catch must either be nested around the call to the method that throws the exception or the method signature must include a throws clause for this exception. (Then other methods that invoke this method must then catch the exception or throw it up the line.) The compiler will throw an error message if it detects an uncaught exception and will not compile the file.

The run-time exceptions do not have to be caught. This avoids requiring that a try-catch be place around, for example, every integer division operation to catch a divide by zero or around every array variable to watch for indices going out of bounds.

However, you should handle possible run-time exceptions if you think there is a reasonable chance of one occurring. In the above string parsing example, the NumberFormatException extends (we discuss subclassing in Chapter 4) RuntimeException so it is optional to catch this error.

You can use multiple catch clauses to catch the different kinds of exceptions that code can throw as shown in this snippet:


... some code...
(NumberFormatException e)

(IOException e)

(Exception e)

// optional

...this code always executed even if
       no exceptions...



Here there are two catch statements for Exception subclasses (subclassing will be discussing in Chapter 4),and one for any other Exception instance. Regardless of whether the code generates an exception or not, the finally code block will always execute.

Exception handling is thus based on try-catch operation, the throws and throw keywords, and the Exception class and its subclasses.

References & Web Resources

Latest update: Oct. 16, 2004

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More Wrappers

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