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In the early versions of Java the audio capabilities in the core language were extremely limited. Only 8 kHz au type files could be played.

With version 1.2, it became possible to play 22KHz, 16-bit stereo in the following formats:

  • AIFF
  • AU
  • WAV
  • MIDI
  • RMF

The new sound engine is a part of the core library. A full featured Java Sound API became available in Java 1.3 that include the packages javax.sound.midi and javax.sound.sampled.

However, these advanced audio capabilities are beyond the scope here. We will only look at the simply playing of sound clips.

While audio may have limited applications for scientific programs, they can be useful for such things as warnings and alarms.

The AudioClip interface has 3 methods to be implemented:

  • Play()
  • Loop()
  • Stop()

The applet method

    Applet.getAudioClip(URL url)

returns an instance of an AudioClip object.

The following applet shows the basics of playing a sound clip. The loop() method will continously repeat the clip.

import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.applet.*;

/** Demonstrate playing an audio clip. **/
public class AudioTestApplet extends JApplet
  public void init () {
    Container content_pane = getContentPane ();
    // Create an instance of a JPanel sub-class
    AudioPanel audio_panel =
       new AudioPanel (getClip (false));
    // And add one or more panels to the JApplet panel.
    content_pane.add (audio_panel);
  } // init

  AudioClip getClip (boolean FileInJar) {
    if (FileInJar) {
        // Use getResource () to search directory or a jar file.
        return (getAudioClip (
                getClass ().getResource (getParameter ("AudioClip")))

    } else {
        // Read  audio file from the code directory
        return (getAudioClip (getCodeBase (),
                              getParameter ("AudioClip")) );
  } // getClip

} // class AudioTestApplet

/** This panel holds a button to play/stop a clip in loop mode.**/
class AudioPanel extends JPanel
                   implements ActionListener
  AudioClip fAudioClip = null;
  JButton fButton = null;
  boolean fPlay = false;

  /** Constructor gets the clip and makes a button for the panel.**/
  AudioPanel (AudioClip audioClip) {
    fAudioClip = audioClip;
    // Add a button for the interface.
    fButton =  new JButton ("Play Clip" );
    fButton.addActionListener (this);
    add (fButton);
  } // ctor

  /** Button will start/stop the clip playing.**/
  public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e ) {
    if (fAudioClip  != null) {
        if (!fPlay) {
            fButton.setText("Stop clip");
            fAudioClip.loop ();
            fPlay = true;
        } else {
            fButton.setText("Play clip");
            fPlay = false;
  } // actionPerformed

} // class AudioPanel


See the Class section for a discussion of the getResources() method for accessing files in a JAR file.

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Latest update: Dec.6.2004

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