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When you explicitly assign a value to a variable in the code, as in

   double x = 3.1;
   int i = 43;

the compiler needs to translate the character strings "3.1" and "43" into numerical values of a particular type. Such explicit values in a computer language are called "literals" (for the obvious reason that they are literally equivalent to their stated value.)

(In the bytecode each literal in your class code gets put into a so-called constants pool.)

Floating Point Literals

The compiler will see the decimal point and decide that the string "3.1" is a valid floating point string. It must next decide what type to assign it. In Java a floating point literal defaults to the double type.

   double x = 3.1;

Since converting a double to float is a narrowing conversion, the following assignment

   float y = 3.1; // results in an error message

causes an error. You must instead explicitly type the floating point literal,

   float y = 3.1f;

by appending the "f" character to the value.

The following examples illustrate how to express floating point exponents in a literal:

   double y = 3.1e10;
   y = 3.1e-10;

   y = 3E10;

   y = -3.1e05;

Integer Literals

Integer literals default to the int type.

  int i = 3;   // 3 is an integer literal

You can assign a long type to the int literal since this will result in a widening conversion, which does not require an explicit cast.

  long m = 3; // allowed

You might think, then, that the following narrowing conversions would result in an error

  byte b = -2;
  short i = 3;

but Java allows this if the literals are within the allowed ranges for byte and short types. However, this only works with the direct literal assignment. An assignment to an int variable,

  int i = 3;
  short i = i;
// error
  i = -2;
  byte b = i; // error

will result in an error message.

You can explicitly specify a long literal by appending a 'L' or 'l':

  long m = 2147483648L;

Besides the decimal base, you can use hexadecimal and octal formats for the integer literals:

  short i = 0x00AF; // hex for 175
  byte b = 017;     // octal for 15

where hex numbers begin with "0x" and octal with "0".

Note: Assigning a literal value larger than the range for a particular integer type will NOT result in an overflow warning (and no underflow warning for large negative values.) Instead the value will wrap around to the lowest value. For example,

  int i = 130;
  byte bb = (byte)i;

results in a value of -126 in the bb variable.

Characters and String Literals

You must bracket a character literal with single quotation marks.

  char c = '*';
  char c1 = 'A';
  char c2 = "A"; // error

A string literal, however, requires double quotation marks:

  String str = "abc";
  String str1 = "Java";

  String str2 = 'J'; // error

Special Literals

For boolean type data, only two types of data are available: true and false. So these literals are defined already in the core language:

  Boolean b = true;
  Boolean b1 = false;

Similarly, for references to objects, the null literal can be used when no object is yet chosen for the reference variable:

  String str = null;

References & Web Resources

Arithmetic Ops
Math Class
More on Integers
FP : Overview
FP : Java  
Demo 1
More Mix/Cast
  Demo 2

Differential Eq.
Euler Method
Demo 1
Demo 2

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