Home : Course Map : Chapter 20 :
Simulation Demo
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Chapter 20

Server Demo
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The simulation is run by the server as directed by the client. The code listings are given for the following classes:

The directory path for the package for the Simulation, SimulationThread, and SimData classes goes as

   |__ all20
                    |__ server
                          |__ impl



package javatech.all20.server.impl;

//    CLASS:        Simulation                    -
* This class does the real computational work of the simulation demo.
public class Simulation {
  final public static int ABNORMAL = -1;
  final public static int NORMAL = 0;
  final public static int FORCED_HALT = 1;

  private SimData fSimData;
  private float fAmp, fOmega, fSpringCons, fDeltaT, fMaxTime, fMass;
  private boolean fKillMe;

  //    CONSTRCUTOR:        Simulation                -
   * Constructs a Simulation object.
  public Simulation (SimData sd) {
    fSimData = sd;
  } // ctor

  //    METHOD:        initialize                    -
   * Initializes the simulation.
   * @param indata    array of initial simulation data
  /** Initialize the simulation. **/
  public void initialize (float[] indata) {
    fAmp    = indata[0];
    fOmega   = indata[1];
    fSpringCons = indata[2];
    fDeltaT   = indata[3];
    fMaxTime  = indata[4];

    fMass = fSpringCons/(fOmega*fOmega);
  } // initialize

  //    METHOD:        halt                        -
   * Halts the simulation by setting a flag that will be periodically
   * checked by the running simulation code.
  public void halt () { fKillMe = true; }

  //    METHOD:        startRunning                    -
   * Start calculating the simulation results.
  public int startRunning () {
    fKillMe = false;
    int status = ABNORMAL; // leave abnormal until reset
    float time = 0.f;
    int iter = 0;
    float[] data = new float[SimData.OUTSIZE];
    float[] new_indata = new float[SimData.INSIZE];
    int num_data_stores = 0;

    // Keep running until the fKillMe flag becomes true.
    while (!fKillMe) {
      time = iter * fDeltaT;
      if (time <= fMaxTime) {
        // Simulate a long-running calculation by sleeping for 100 ms.
        try {
          Thread.sleep (100);
        catch (InterruptedException ie) {/*ignore*/}

        // Populate the output data array
        // time
        data[0] = time;
        // Calculated values:
        // position = A * sin (omega*t)
        data[1] = fAmp * (float) Math.sin (fOmega * time);
        // velocity = omega*A * cos (omega*t)
        data[2] = fOmega * fAmp * (float) Math.cos (fOmega * time);
        // acceleration = -omega**2 * A * sin (omega*t) = -omega**2 * x
        data[3] = -fOmega*fOmega * data[1];
        // kinetic energy = 1/2 * m * v**2
        data[4] = .5f * fMass * data[2]*data[2];
        // potential energy = 1/2 * k * x**2
        data[5] = .5f * fSpringCons * data[1]*data[1];
        System.err.println ("storing " + data[1] + " " + data[2] + " " +
data[3] + " " + data[4] + " " + data[5] + " at " + data[0]);
        new_indata = fSimData.storeData (data);
        fAmp = new_indata[0];
        fOmega = new_indata[1];
        fSpringCons = new_indata[2];
        // If the control flag in new_indata[5] == 1, halt the simulation.
        if ((int)new_indata[5] == 1) halt();

      else {
        System.err.println (
   "Simulation: time exceeds max, storing negative time and ending simulation");
        data[0] = -time;
        data[1] = -999.999f;
        fSimData.storeData (data);
        status = NORMAL;
      iter ++;
    } // while !fKillMe

    // If exiting because of the fKillMe flag, set data[0] and data[1]
    // to special values indicating a forced termination.
    if (fKillMe) {
      data[0] = -100.f;
      data[1] = -100.f;
      System.err.println ("storing -100 -100 for FORCED_HALT");
      fSimData.storeData (data);
      status = FORCED_HALT;

    System.err.println ("Total valid data stores = " + num_data_stores);
    return status;
  } // startRunning
} // Simulation

package javatech.all20.server.impl;

//    CLASS:        SimulationThread                -
* This is the thread that runs the simulation.
public class SimulationThread extends Thread {
  private Simulation fSimulation;

  //    CONSTRCUTOR:        SimulationThread            -
   * Constructs a SimulationThread object.
  public SimulationThread (SimData simData) {
    fSimulation = new Simulation (simData);
  } // ctor

  //    METHOD:        halt                        -
   * Halts the simulation.
  void halt () { fSimulation.halt(); }

  //    METHOD:        initialize                    -
   * Initializes the simulation.
  public void initialize (float[] initdata) {
    fSimulation.initialize (initdata);
  } // initialize

  //    METHOD:        run                        -
   * Starts the simulation running.
  public void run () {
    // Start the simulation running. The simulation will continue to run
    // until the end time is reached or it is forced to halt with the halt()
    // method or it quits abnormally. This return status is not presently
    // being used.
    int status = fSimulation.startRunning ();

    String stat = status == Simulation.NORMAL ? "NORMAL" :
             status == Simulation.FORCED_HALT ? "FORCED HALT":
             status == Simulation.ABNORMAL ? "ABNORMAL" :
    System.err.println ("SimulationThread: simulation finished with status " +
      status + " (" + stat + ")");
    fSimulation = null;
  } // run
} // SimulationThread
package javatech.all20.server.impl;

//    CLASS:        SimData                        -
* Stores and retrieves simulation data arrays.
public class SimData {
  final public static int INSIZE = 6;
  final public static int OUTSIZE = 6;

  private float[] fInData;
  private float[] fOutData;

  //    CONSTRCUTOR:        SimData                    -
   * Constructs a SimData object.
  /** ctor **/
  public SimData () {
    fInData = new float [INSIZE];
    fOutData = new float [OUTSIZE];
    //fOutData[0] = -1.f;
  } // ctor

  //    METHOD:        storeData                    -
   * Stores an array of data and returns the current input data set.
   * @param data    array of data to be stored
  public synchronized float[] storeData (float[] data) {
    System.arraycopy (data, 0, fOutData, 0, OUTSIZE);
    return fInData;
  } // storeData

  //    METHOD:        getResults                    -
   * Retrieves the data set most recently stored with storeData
   * while loading a new set of input data.
   * @param indata    new array of input data
   * @return array containing the current output data set
  public synchronized float[] getResults (float[] indata) {
    System.arraycopy (indata, 0, fInData, 0, INSIZE);
    return fOutData;
  } // getResults
} // SimData



Most recent update: Oct. 14, 2005

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1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12

Tech 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
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