Home : Course Map : Chapter 20 :
Client Demo
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Chapter 20

Server Demo
Client Demo
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The client demo directs the server to run the simulation and send back the results. The directory path for the package for the Client class goes as

   |__ all20
                    |__ client



package javatech.all20.client;

import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.rmi.Naming;
import java.rmi.NotBoundException;
import java.rmi.RemoteException;

import javatech.all20.server.FactoryInterface;
import javatech.all20.server.ServerInterface;

import javatech.utils.hist.*;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class Client
  // This name must match the values used by the server.
  //final private static String FACTORY_NAME = "all20ServerFactory";

  // This sets the size of the output data array. It must match what is used
  // by the server.
  final private static int OUTSIZE = 6;

  // Default values for the simulation parameters.
  private float fAmp = 1.f, fOmega=1.f, fSpringCons = 1.f;
  private float fDeltaT=0.1f, fMaxTime=2.f*(float)Math.PI;
  private float fControl = 1.f;
  private int fNumBins = 21;
  private float[] fIndata;

  // References to the factory and server.
  private FactoryInterface fFactory;
  private ServerInterface fServer;

  private boolean fReallyQuit;

  private Histogram fPositionHist, fVelocityHist, fTimeHist, fOmegaTimeHist;
  private HistPanel fPositionHPan, fVelocityHPan, fTimeHPan, fOmegaTimeHPan;

  private Histogram fKEHist,fPEHist;
  private HistPanel fKEPanel, fPEPanel;

  private JButton fQuitButton = new JButton ("Quit");

  private final boolean DO_TIME_HIST = true;
  private final boolean DO_VELOCITY_HIST = true;
  private final boolean DO_OMEGA_TIME_HIST = true;
  private final boolean DO_KE_HIST = true;
  private final boolean DO_PE_HIST = true;

  /** ctor **/
  public Client () {
    fQuitButton.addActionListener (new ActionListener() {
      public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent ev) {
        if (fReallyQuit)
          // If we've been here before, then really quit this time.
          System.exit (0);
        else {
          // If not, set the control flag to tell the server to halt
          // the simulation.
          fIndata[5] = 1.f;
          fReallyQuit = true;
          fQuitButton.setText ("One more time to exit");
      } // actionPerformed

    try {
      // Find the server factory.
      String host = System.getProperty ("server.host", "localhost");
      String port = System.getProperty ("server.port", "3001");
      String factory_server = "//" + host + ":" + port +
      System.err.println ("Client ctor: looking up factory " + factory_server);
      fFactory = (FactoryInterface) Naming.lookup (factory_server);
      System.err.println ("Client ctor: got it, getting user.name");
      String uid = System.getProperty ("user.name");
      System.err.println (
        "Client ctor: uid = " + uid + ", calling factory.getInstance()");
      // Get a server instance from the server factory.
      fServer = fFactory.getInstance (uid);
      System.err.println ("Client ctor: got the server instance");
    } // try
    catch (MalformedURLException mue) {
      System.err.println (mue);
    catch (NotBoundException nbe) {
      System.err.println (nbe);
    catch (RemoteException re) {
      System.err.println (re);
    if (fFactory == null || fServer == null) {
      System.err.println ("\nEXITING BECAUSE OF FAILURE");
      System.exit (1);
  } // ctor

  public void setParameters (String[] args) {
    switch (args.length) {
      case 6:
        fNumBins  = Integer.parseInt (args[5]);
      case 5:
        fMaxTime  = Float.parseFloat (args[4]) * (float) Math.PI;
      case 4:
        fDeltaT   = Float.parseFloat (args[3]);
      case 3:
        fSpringCons = Float.parseFloat (args[2]);
      case 2:
        fOmega   = Float.parseFloat (args[1]);
      case 1:
        fAmp    = Float.parseFloat (args[0]);
    } // switch
    fPositionHist = new Histogram ("Position (x) ", "", fNumBins, -fAmp, fAmp);
    fPositionHPan = new HistPanel (fPositionHist);
    JFrame position_frame = new JFrame ("Position Histogram");
    position_frame.getContentPane().add (fPositionHPan);
    position_frame.getContentPane().add (fQuitButton, BorderLayout.SOUTH);
    int width = 680;
    int height = 380;
    Dimension screen = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    int x = (screen.width - width) / 2;
    int y = (screen.height - height) / 3;
    position_frame.setBounds(x, y, width, height);
    position_frame.setVisible (true);
      JFrame velocity_frame = new JFrame ("Velocity Histogram");
      fVelocityHist = new Histogram ("velocity", "", fNumBins, -fOmega*fAmp,
      fVelocityHPan = new HistPanel (fVelocityHist);
      velocity_frame.getContentPane().add (fVelocityHPan);
      velocity_frame.setBounds(700, 0, width, height);
      velocity_frame.setVisible (true);

    if (DO_KE_HIST) {
      JFrame ke_frame;
      fKEHist = new Histogram ("KE", "", fNumBins, 0.,
      fKEPanel = new HistPanel (fKEHist);
      ke_frame = new JFrame ("Kinetic Energy Histogram");
      ke_frame.getContentPane().add (fKEPanel);
      ke_frame.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
      ke_frame.setVisible (true);

    if (DO_PE_HIST) {
      JFrame ke_frame;
      fPEHist = new Histogram ("PE", "", fNumBins, 0.,
      fPEPanel = new HistPanel (fPEHist);
      ke_frame = new JFrame ("Potential Energy Histogram");
      ke_frame.getContentPane().add (fPEPanel);
      ke_frame.setBounds(0, height+100, width, height);
      ke_frame.setVisible (true);

    if (DO_TIME_HIST) {
      JFrame time_frame;
      fTimeHist = new Histogram ("t", "", fNumBins, 0., fMaxTime);
      fTimeHPan = new HistPanel (fTimeHist);
      time_frame = new JFrame ("Time Histogram");
      time_frame.getContentPane().add (fTimeHPan);
      time_frame.setBounds(0, 0, width, height);
      time_frame.setVisible (true);

      JFrame omega_time_frame;
      omega_time_frame = new JFrame ("Omega Time Histogram");
      fOmegaTimeHist = new Histogram ("omega*t%2pi", "", fNumBins, 0.,
      fOmegaTimeHPan = new HistPanel (fOmegaTimeHist);
      omega_time_frame.getContentPane().add (fOmegaTimeHPan);
      omega_time_frame.setBounds(0, height+100, width, height);
      omega_time_frame.setVisible (true);
  } // setParameters

  public void runSimulation () {
    // Initialize the server.
    // Server calculates sin (omega * t) where omega is an input variable
    // and t is the simulation time.
    try {
      System.err.println ("Client.runSimulation: calling server.initialize");
      boolean server_status = fServer.initialize ("doesn't matter");
      if (!server_status) {
        System.err.println ("Server initialization failed.");
        System.exit (1);
    } // try
    catch (RemoteException re) {
      System.err.println ("Server initialization failed:");
      System.err.println (re);
      System.exit (1);

    // Initialize the simulation.
    try {
      System.err.println (
       "Client.runSimulation: calling server.initializeSimulation");
      System.err.println ("Client.runSimulation: initial params are amp = " +
        fAmp + " omega = " + fOmega + " K = " + fSpringCons + " dt = " +
        fDeltaT + " tmax = " + fMaxTime/(float)Math.PI + "pi (" +
        fNumBins + " bins)");
      fIndata = new float[] {
        fAmp, fOmega, fSpringCons, fDeltaT, fMaxTime, 0.f
      fServer.initializeSimulation (fIndata);
    } // try
    catch (RemoteException re) {
      System.err.println ("Simulation initialization failed:");
      System.err.println (re);
      System.exit (1);

    // Set up variables to contain results from simulation.
    float[] outdata = new float[OUTSIZE];
    float last_sim_time = -1.f;
    float time, xposition, velocity, acceleration, kinetic, potential;
    float total_energy;
    int total_hits = 0;

    // Start the simulation running.
    try {
      System.err.println ("Client.runSimulation: calling server.start");
      System.err.println (
        "Output will be omega*t, xpos, vel, acc, KE, PE, total E");
      fServer.start ();
    } // try
    catch (RemoteException re) {
      System.err.println ("Simulation failed to start:");
      System.err.println (re);
      System.exit (1);

    // Retrieve data from the simulation.
    try {
      // Wait on first valid value.
      outdata[0] = -1.f;
      while (outdata[0] < 0.f) {
        outdata = fServer.retrieveData (fIndata);
        Thread.sleep (80);
      // Process real values.
      while (outdata[0] >= 0.f) {
        time     = outdata[0];
        xposition  = outdata[1];
        velocity   = outdata[2];
        acceleration = outdata[3];
        kinetic   = outdata[4];
        potential  = outdata[5];
        total_energy = kinetic + potential;

        if (time > last_sim_time) {
          last_sim_time = time;
          float omtopi = fOmega * time / (float)Math.PI;
          System.err.println (
            omtopi + " pi " + xposition + " " + velocity + " " +
            acceleration + " " + kinetic + " " + potential + " " +
          fPositionHist.add (xposition);
          fPositionHPan.repaint ();
          if (DO_VELOCITY_HIST) {
            fVelocityHist.add (velocity);
            fVelocityHPan.repaint ();
          if (DO_KE_HIST) {
            fKEHist.add (kinetic);
            fKEPanel.repaint ();
          if (DO_PE_HIST) {
            fPEHist.add (potential);
            fPEPanel.repaint ();
          if (DO_TIME_HIST) {
            fTimeHist.add (time);
            fTimeHPan.repaint ();
          if (DO_OMEGA_TIME_HIST) {
            fOmegaTimeHist.add ((fOmega*time)%(2.*Math.PI));
            fOmegaTimeHPan.repaint ();
        } // if current sim time > previous sim time
        else {
          if (time < 0.f)
            System.err.println ("Negative time " + time +
              " signals end of simulation from server");
            System.err.println (
              "Client.runSimulation: ignoring repeated data time");
        // Sleep long enough for the server to have probably calculated
        // the next set of values.
        Thread.sleep (80);
        // Get new set of data from server.
        outdata = fServer.retrieveData (fIndata);
      } // while simulation is still running
    } // try
    catch (RemoteException re) {
      System.err.println ("\nUGH, server is no longer responding");
    // InterruptedException intentionally ignored.
    catch (InterruptedException ie) {
      System.err.println (
        "Client.runSimulation: InterruptedException ignoered");
    System.err.println ("Client.runSimulation: while loop completed (" +
      total_hits + " total unique hits)");
    int left_edge_bin = 0;
    int central_bin = (fNumBins-1)/2;
    int right_edge_bin = fNumBins-1;
    int left_hits = fPositionHist.getValue (left_edge_bin);
    int central_hits = fPositionHist.getValue (central_bin);
    int right_hits = fPositionHist.getValue (right_edge_bin);
    float left_frac = (float) left_hits / total_hits;
    float central_frac = (float) central_hits / total_hits;
    float right_frac = (float) right_hits / total_hits;
    System.err.println ("Client.runSimulation: #hits at left edge bin (0) = " +
      left_hits + " frac = " + left_frac);
    System.err.println ("Client.runSimulation: #hits at central bin (" +
      central_bin + ") = " + central_hits + " frac = " + central_frac);
    System.err.println ("Client.runSimulation: #hits at right edge bin (" +
      right_edge_bin + ") = " + right_hits + " frac = " + right_frac);
    System.err.println ("\nClient.runSimulation: params were " + fAmp + " " +
      fOmega + " " + fSpringCons + " " + fDeltaT + " " +
      fMaxTime/(float)Math.PI + "(*pi) " + fNumBins);
    fReallyQuit = true;
  } // runSimulation

  public static void main (String[] args) {
    System.err.println ("main: Instantiating a new Client");
    Client cl = new Client ();
    System.err.println ("main: Calling Client.setParameters()");
    cl.setParameters (args);
    System.err.println ("main: Calling Client.runSimulation()");
    cl.runSimulation ();
    System.err.println ("main: back from runSimulation(), main is terminating");
    System.err.println (
   "main: to run again, optional params are amp, omega, K, dt, tmax, num bins");
  } // main
} // Client



Most recent update: Oct. 14, 2005

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