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Simulated Data Generation and Analysis Demo
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The following two applications illustrate how an experiment simulation creates data and saves it to a files, which are then read by an analysis program. We split the mass drop simulation program discussed in Chapter 9: Physics: Experimental Simulation with Analysis Module into two programs:

  • DropGenerator - generates the drop events and writes the detector simulated data to a file.
  • DropDataAnalysis - reads the data from the files created by DropGenerator and fits a curve to the Y vs T curve.

Ideally, DropDataAnalysis would read files in the exact same format but generated from the actual experiment detector. This would insure that the analysis was applied consistently. Also, it allows one to compare the simulated data to the real data and see if there are aspects that are not understoode. (E.g. in the next chapter we will look at systematic error analysis..)


DropGenerator - Using code from the Chapter 9: Physics: Experiment Simulation with Analysis Module, which simulates a strip chart type of drop experiment, this program sends data for each drop to a file. This file will be analyzed by DropDataAnalysis shown below.

+ Previous Classes:
Chapter 9: Physics: DropPanelDetect, DropModelDetect
Chapter 9: Physics: DropDetector2, Detector

Chapter 6: Tech: PlotPanel.java, PlotFormat.java

Java techniques of interest:

  • Enumerated types used to direct the data output controls
  • Using DataOutputStream to write out data of different primitive types.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.*;

  * This program simulates an experiment in which measurements
  * are made during the fall of a mass in a constant gravitational
  * field. The measurements will be used in a separate analysis program
  * to determine the acceleration constant.
  * The applet uses DropPanelDetect to display the experimental setup
  * and the falling mass. The DropDetector object draws the detector
  * on this panel.
  * The java.util.Timer and java.util.TimerTask are used
  * to update the animation of the drop.
  * Includes "Drop" button to initiate the dropping.
  * The number of drops and a speed factor taken from 2 text fields.
  * "Reset"  button clears the histogram.
  * In standalone mode, the Exit button closes the program.
  * Data for each drop is optionally written to a binary file by
  * setting a checkbox. The data will be written to a file
  * using the name given in the a field.
  * This program will run as an applet inside an application frame.
  * (Data output will not work in applet mode in browser.)
public class DropGenerator extends JApplet
             implements ActionListener, ItemListener
  // The DropPanel displays the animation of the falling mass.
  DropPanelDetect fDropPanel;

  // The DropModel generates the physics data.
  DropModelDetect fDropModel;

  // Use a detector to measure the drop times.
  Detector fDetector;

  // File handling for the output ntuple data
  File fOutFile;
  String fOutFileName = "dropData.dat";
  DataOutputStream fDataOut;
  boolean fOutToFile = false;
  JCheckBox fFileCheckBox;
  JTextField fFileTextField;

  // Enumerated type used to direct output operations
  public enum OutputCmd {OUT_SETUP, OUT_WRITE, OUT_CLOSE}

  // Array to hold data for each drop
  double fData[][];

  // Use the java.util Timer and TimerTask combo
  // for timing events.
  java.util.Timer fTimer;

  // A text field for getting the number of drops for a
  // run and the position smearing std.dev. in cm.
  JTextField fMaxNumDropsField;
  JTextField fPosSigmaFactorField;

  // Flag for whether the applet is in a browser
  // or running via the main () below.
  boolean fInBrowser = true;

  JButton fGoButton;   // start drop
  JButton fClearButton;// resets histogram
  JButton fExitButton;

   // Starting coordinates of drop
  double fXBallStart =  25.0; // cm
  double fYBallStart = 200.0; // cm
  double fYBallEnd   =   0.0; // cm

  // Range of the drop time.
  double fTStart = 0.00; // sec
  double fTEnd   = 0.75; // sec

  // SD in the measured values for the marker positions and t (sec).
  //  (Allow for smearing of marker position for further experimentation.)
  double [] fMeasurementSigmas = {2.0, 0.0};

  // Integer and double arrays to pass info to the detector
  int []    fDetectorSetup;
  double [] fDetectorParameters;

  // Coordinate of ball.
  double fXBall;
  double fYBall;

  // Initial velocity.
  double fVyBallStart = 0.0;
  double fVxBallStart = 0.0;

  // Time in millisecs for the drop
  double fTDropTotal;
  double fTFrame = 0.020; // in secs

  // Speed up or slow down factor for animation:
  double fTFactor = 1.0;

  // Allow for multiple drops per "run"
  int fMaxNumDrops = 10;
  int fNumDrops = 0;

  // Number of times to measure the position during the drop.
  int fMaxNumMeasurements = 40;
  // Number of measurements actually taken for a given event.
  int fNumMeasures;

    *  Initialize the display. Create Detector and Model
    *  objects to use for the physics and experiment simulation.
    *  DropPanelDetect displays the dropping ball and the
    *  detector.
  public void init () {

    // Create a detector
    fDetector = new DropDetector2 ();

    // Need arrays to pass setup info to the detector.
    fDetectorSetup = new int[1];
    fDetectorSetup[0] = fMaxNumMeasurements;

    // Do a measurement for every frame
    fDetectorParameters = new double[1];
    fDetectorParameters[0] = fTFrame;

    // Pass the detector the necesary setup info
    fDetector.init (fDetectorSetup, fDetectorParameters, fMeasurementSigmas);

    // Create the drop physics model
    fDropModel = new DropModelDetect (fDetector);
    fDropModel.reset (fYBallStart, fVyBallStart);

    JPanel panel = new JPanel (new BorderLayout ());

    // Use a textfield to get the number of drops per run.
    fMaxNumDropsField =
      new JTextField (Integer.toString (fMaxNumDrops), 10);

    // Use a textfield to get smearing  (std.dev. in cm) of the position.
    fPosSigmaFactorField =
      new JTextField (Double.toString (fMeasurementSigmas[0]), 10);

    // If return hit after entering text, the actionPerformed will be invoked.
    fMaxNumDropsField.addActionListener (this);
    fPosSigmaFactorField.addActionListener (this);

    fGoButton = new JButton ("Drop");
    fGoButton.addActionListener (this);

    // Here the clear button will reset the plots
    fClearButton = new JButton ("Reset");
    fClearButton.addActionListener (this);

    fExitButton = new JButton ("Exit");
    fExitButton.addActionListener (this);

    JPanel control_panel = new JPanel (new GridLayout (1,2));
    JPanel panel1 = new JPanel (new GridLayout (1,2));
    JPanel panel2 = new JPanel (new GridLayout (1,3));

    panel1.add (fMaxNumDropsField);
    panel1.add (fPosSigmaFactorField);

    panel2.add (fGoButton);
    panel2.add (fClearButton);
    panel2.add (fExitButton);

    control_panel.add (panel1);
    control_panel.add (panel2);

    // Set up the output file
    JPanel file_panel = new JPanel ();
    fFileCheckBox = new JCheckBox ("Output to File?");

    // Put the text on the left side of the box.
    fFileCheckBox.addItemListener (this);
    fFileTextField= new JTextField (fOutFileName,15);
    file_panel.add (fFileCheckBox);

    // Jusify the text on the right side of the label
    file_panel.add (new JLabel ("   File name:", SwingConstants.RIGHT));
    file_panel.add (fFileTextField);

    // Create a holder for both the program  and the file controls
    JPanel controls_panel = new JPanel(new GridLayout (2,1));

    controls_panel.add (control_panel);
    controls_panel.add (file_panel);

    // Create an instance of the DropPanel
    // Make the panel 10% taller than starting position.
    fDropPanel = new DropPanelDetect (fYBallStart*1.1, 0.0, fDetector);

    JPanel holder_panel = new JPanel (new BorderLayout ());
    holder_panel.add (fDropPanel,"Center");

    panel.add (holder_panel,"Center");
    panel.add (controls_panel,"South");

    // Add text area with scrolling to the content pane.
    add (panel);

  } // init

  /** Stop the timer if the browser page unloaded. */
  public void stop () {
    runDone ();
  } // stop

    *  Respond to the buttons. For a click on "Drop" button,
    *  execute the number of drops in the text field.
    *  Also, obtain the smearing factor for the y measurements
    *  from the other text field. The Reset button will clear the
    *  plots and reset the drop stats.
  public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e) {
    Object source = e.getSource ();
    if (source == fGoButton) {
      if (fGoButton.getText ().equals ("Drop")) {
        try {
          fMaxNumDrops =
            Integer.parseInt (fMaxNumDropsField.getText ());

          // Get new sigma for position smearing
          fMeasurementSigmas[0] =
            Double.parseDouble (fPosSigmaFactorField.getText ());

          // Update the position smearing
          fDetector.init (fDetectorSetup, fDetectorParameters,
        catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
          // Could open an error dialog here but just
          // display a message on the browser status line.
          if ( fInBrowser)
              showStatus ("Bad input value");
              System.out.println ("Bad input value");
        dropReset ();
        fGoButton.setText ("Stop");
        fClearButton.setEnabled (false);

      } else {
          // Stop without finishing the current drop.
          runDone ();
    } else if (source == fClearButton) {
        repaint ();
    } else if (!fInBrowser)
        System.exit (0);
  } // actionPerformed

    * Respond to the file checkbox. If box checked,
    * then open the file for output. Use file name
    * given in the text field on the interface.
  public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent evt) {
    if (evt.getStateChange () == ItemEvent.SELECTED) {
      fOutToFile = true;
    } else {
      fOutToFile = false;
  } // itemStateChanged

    * Use the inner class technique to define the
    * TimerTask subclass for stepping through the
    * drop calculation and the frame refresh.
    * Use the real time in the drop calculation instead
    * of the given frame rate times in case there were
    * delays from thread interruptions, the processing
    * in the parts of the program take extra time, etc.
  class PaintHistTask extends java.util.TimerTask {
    public void run () {

      // Drop the ball
      fYBall = fDropModel.step (fTFactor * fTFrame);

      // Update the position of the ball in the
      // animation and redraw the frame.
      fDropPanel.updatePosition (fXBall, fYBall);

      // Check if ball has crossed the finish line.
      if (fYBall <= fYBallEnd) dropDone ();
    } // run
  } // PaintHistTask

    *  This method handles the output to the file.
    *  The ennumerated type OutputCmd indicates which
    *  operation: setup, writing each drop data set, and
    *  stream closeing should be executed.
  void outputToFile (OutputCmd output_cmd) {

    switch (output_cmd) {
      // Setup creats the File object and opens a stream to
      // the file.
      case OUT_SETUP:
        // Get file name from the text field
        fOutFileName = fFileTextField.getText ();
        // And created a File object for it
        fOutFile = new File (fOutFileName);

        try {
          // Open an output stream to the file.
          FileOutputStream file_output = new FileOutputStream (fOutFile);
          // Wrap the FileOutputStream with a DataOutputStream
          fDataOut = new DataOutputStream (file_output);

          // Create a header for the data file.
          // Post the current time.
          fDataOut.writeLong (System.currentTimeMillis());
          // The file will have no more than these number of drops
          // (could be less if run stopped early by the user)
          fDataOut.writeInt (fMaxNumDrops);
          // Add the maximum number of measurements per drop
          fDataOut.writeInt (fMaxNumMeasurements);
        catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
          System.out.println ("File Not Found = " + fnfe);
        catch (IOException ioe) {
          System.out.println ("IO exception = " + ioe );

      case OUT_WRITE:
        // Now write the data for this event.
        try {
          fDataOut.writeInt (fNumDrops); // drop number
          fDataOut.writeInt (fNumMeasures); // Number of measurements
          // Write the data as an position/time pair
          for (int i=0; i < fNumMeasures; i++) {
            fDataOut.writeDouble (fData[0][i]); // positions
            fDataOut.writeDouble (fData[1][i]); // times
        catch (IOException e) {
          System.out.println ("IO exception = " + e );

      case OUT_CLOSE:
        // Close file when finished with it..
        try {
          fDataOut.close ();
        catch (IOException e) {
          System.out.println ("IO exception = " + e );

  } // outputToFile

    *  Do the setup and then start the drops.
    *  Before each set of drops, need to create a new timer,
    *  and set up its schedule. The PaintHistTask innner class
    *  object will do the setup for each frame of a drop animation.
  void dropReset () {
    // Before starting the drop, create the timer task
    // that will cause the histogram display to update
    // during the filling.
    // Create a timer. TimerTask created in MakeHist ()
    fTimer = new java.util.Timer ();

    fDropModel.reset (fYBallStart, fVyBallStart);
    fDropPanel.reset (fXBallStart, fYBallStart);

    // Reset time sum
    fTDropTotal = 0.0;
    fNumDrops = 0;
    fYBall = fYBallStart;
    fXBall = fXBallStart;

    // Reset the detector.
    fDetector.reset ();

    repaint ();

    if (fOutToFile) outputToFile (OutputCmd.OUT_SETUP);

    // Start the run by starting the timer after 20ms and then
    // repeat callsto run in PaintHistTask object by the rate
    // set by the fTFrame value.
    fTimer.schedule (new PaintHistTask (), 20, (int) (fTFrame*1000));

  } // dropReset

    *  Invoked after a drop ends bottom. Reset
    *  all the parameters to set up for another drop.
  public void dropDone () {
    // Get the data  (times and positions during the drop)
    // from the detector and analyze it
    fData = fDetector.getResults ();
    fNumMeasures = fDetector.getNumMeasurements ();
    if (fOutToFile) outputToFile (OutputCmd.OUT_WRITE);

    // Check if all drops completed.
    if (fNumDrops == fMaxNumDrops){
      // If so then finish up the data recording
      // for this run and return.
      runDone ();

    // Reset time sum
    fTDropTotal = 0.0;
    fYBall = fYBallStart;
    fXBall = fXBallStart;

    fDropPanel.reset (fXBallStart, fYBallStart);
    fDropModel.reset (fYBallStart, fVyBallStart);
    fDetector.reset ();

  } // dropDone

    *  Invoked when all the drops in a run  (set of drops) are done.
    *  Kills the timer to stop the animation.  (A new timer will be
    *  created in the dropReset () for the next run.)
  public void runDone () {

    // Stop the animation.
    fTimer.cancel ();

    // Reset the buttons.
    fGoButton.setText ("Drop");
    fClearButton.setEnabled (true);

    if (fOutToFile) outputToFile (OutputCmd.OUT_CLOSE);

  } // runDone

  /** Offer the option of running the applet in an app frame. */
  public static void main (String[] args) {
    int frame_width=450;
    int frame_height=300;

    DropGenerator applet = new DropGenerator ();
    applet.fInBrowser = false;
    applet.init ();

    // Following anonymous class used to close window & exit program
    JFrame f = new JFrame ("Drop Test");
    f.setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);

    // Add applet to the frame
    f.getContentPane ().add ( applet);
    f.setSize (new Dimension (frame_width,frame_height));
    f.setVisible (true);
  } // main

} // DropGenerator



The following program analyzes the data in the files written by DropGenerator shown above.


DropDataAnalysis - read in data generated by DropGenerator and analyze it with the DropAnalyzer class. Class offers menu bar with drop down File menu to select the data file. The file name is displayed in the JTextField.

+ Previous Classes:
Ch. 9: Physics: DropAnalyzer
Ch. 8: Physics:
Fit.java, FitPoly.java, DrawPoly.java
Ch. 6: Tech: DrawPanel.java, DrawPoints.java, DrawFunction.java

Ch. 6: Tech: PlotPanel, PlotFormat

Java techniques of interest:

  • Enumerated types used to direct the data input controls and status of the input.
  • Long time (in msecs) conversion to date and time.
  • Using DataInputStream to obtain data of different primitive types.
  • Using the JFileChooser to select the data file.
  • Modularity is illustrated by using the DropAnalyzer class from Chapter 9 without any modifications.
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.text.*;

  * This program reads in data from a file created by DropGenerator.
  * For each drop event the data is sent to an instance of DropAnalyzer.
  * When all the data is read, a fit is made to the average y vs t curve
  * to determine the g parameter as before.
public class DropDataAnalysis extends JFrame
                        implements ActionListener
  // UI control variables
  JMenuItem fMenuOpen;
  JMenuItem fMenuSave;
  JMenuItem fMenuClose;

  JTextField  fFileTextField;
  DropAnalyzer fDropAnalyzer;

  JButton fGoButton;
  JButton fButton2;

  // Change these names as needed
  String fButtonName1 = "Go";
  String fButtonName2 = "Option";

  // Filter and File object for fFile chooser
  DataFilter fDataFilter = new DataFilter ();
  File fInFile;
  String fInFileName = "[select input file]";
  // DataInputStream is used to read the data.
  DataInputStream fInData;

  // 2-D array to hold position and time data for
  // each drop.
  double [][] fData;

  // The data file includes the time for when it
  // was made.
  Date dateOfData;

  // Enumerated type used to direct output operations
  public enum InputCmd {IN_SETUP, IN_READ, OUT_CLOSE}

  // Enumerated type used to direct output operations
  public enum InputStatus {OK, EVENT_READ, EOF, ERROR}
  InputStatus fInputStatus;

  // Maximum number of measurements along each drop trajectory
  int fMaxNumMeasurements;
  // Number of measurements on current drop
  int fNumMeasures;
  // Drop number in the file
  int fNumDrops;
  // Max number of drops in the file
  int fMaxNumDrops;

  // The following experimental settings could be allowed
  // to vary and then recorded in the data header for a given
  // run. However, this program assumes they are constant.

  // Starting coordinates of drop
  double fXBallStart =  25.0; // cm
  double fYBallStart = 200.0; // cm
  double fYBallEnd   =   0.0; // cm

  // Range of the drop time.
  double fTStart = 0.00; // sec
  double fTEnd   = 0.75; // sec

  /** Create a frame for displaying the GUI.**/
  public static void main (String [] args) {
    String title="Drop Data Analysis";
    DropDataAnalysis f = new DropDataAnalysis (title);
    f.setVisible (true);
  } // main

    * The GUI is built in the constructore. Pass a title
    * to the frame via the constructor  argument.
  DropDataAnalysis (String title) {
    super (title);

    // Create a user interface.
    setLayout (new BorderLayout ());

    // Create an analyzer and add its panel to the frame.
    fDropAnalyzer = new DropAnalyzer (fYBallEnd, fYBallStart,
                                      fTStart, fTEnd);
    add (fDropAnalyzer.getPanel (), "Center");

    // Create a panel with a textfield and two buttons
    fFileTextField = new JTextField (fInFileName);

    fGoButton = new JButton (fButtonName1);
    fGoButton.addActionListener (this);

    // Create a second button to provide option of
    // later providing a second operation on the data.
    fButton2 = new JButton (fButtonName2);
    // But make inactive for this version of the
    // drop data analysis.
    fButton2.setEnabled (false);

    JPanel panel = new JPanel (new GridLayout (1,2));
    JPanel button_panel = new JPanel (new GridLayout (1,2));
    panel.add (fFileTextField);
    button_panel.add (fGoButton);
    button_panel.add (fButton2);
    panel.add (button_panel);

    add (panel, "South");

    // Use the helper method makeMenuItem
    // for making the menu items and registering
    // their listener.
    JMenu m = new JMenu ("File");

    // the particular program.
    m.add (fMenuOpen  = makeMenuItem ("Open"));
    m.add (fMenuClose = makeMenuItem ("Quit"));

    JMenuBar mb = new JMenuBar ();
    mb.add (m);

    setJMenuBar (mb);
    setSize (400,400);
    setDefaultCloseOperation (JFrame.DISPOSE_ON_CLOSE);

  } // ctor

    * Process events from the frame menu and the chooser.
  public void actionPerformed ( ActionEvent e ) {
    boolean status = false;

    String command = e.getActionCommand ();

    if (command.equals (fButtonName1)) {
      if (fInputStatus == InputStatus.OK) analyzeData ();
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
                    "File not ready", "File Read Error",
    else if (command.equals (fButtonName2)) {

      // Do fButton2 action here

    else if (command.equals ("Open")) {
      // Open a fFile
      status = openFile ();
      if (!status) {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
            "Error opening fFile!", "File Open Error",
         fInputStatus = InputStatus.ERROR;
      } else {
        fInputStatus = InputStatus.OK;

    } else if (command.equals ("Quit")) {
      dispose ();
  } // actionPerformed

    * This "helper method" makes a menu item and then
    * registers this object as a listener to it.
  private JMenuItem makeMenuItem (String name) {
    JMenuItem m = new JMenuItem ( name );
    m.addActionListener ( this );
    return m;

  /** Carry out the analysis of the data in the chosen file. **/
  void analyzeData () {
    int evt = 0;
    while (true) {
      // Read an event
      inputFromFile (InputCmd.IN_READ);
      // and analyze it.
      if (fInputStatus == InputStatus.EVENT_READ) {
        fDropAnalyzer.analyzeDrop (fData[0], fData[1], fNumMeasures);
      } else
      if (fInputStatus == InputStatus.EOF) {
        // Analyze the full run data now.
         fDropAnalyzer.analyzeRun ();
      } else
      if (fInputStatus == InputStatus.ERROR) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
                    "Read failure", "File Read Error",

  } // analyzeData

    *  This method handles the input from the data file.
    *  The ennumerated type InputCmd indicates which
    *  operation: setup, writing each drop data set, and
    *  stream closeing should be executed.
  void inputFromFile (InputCmd input_cmd) {

    switch (input_cmd) {

      case IN_SETUP:
        try {
          // Wrap the FileInputStream with a DataInputStream
          FileInputStream file_input = new FileInputStream (fInFile);
          fInData = new DataInputStream (file_input );

          // Read header

          // First get the time of the run (in millisecs since 1970)
          long data_time = fInData.readLong ();
          // And convert to a date object.
          dateOfData = new Date (data_time);
          // Then convert this date to a string with date and time
          DateFormat df =
          String run_date = df.format(dateOfData);
          fDropAnalyzer.fDrawPanel.setTitle ("Data for " + run_date);

          // Now get the other data in the header
          fMaxNumDrops = fInData.readInt ();
          fMaxNumMeasurements = fInData.readInt ();

          // Tell the analyzer how the max number of drop events to
          // expect and the max number of measurements for a drop.
          fDropAnalyzer.initRun (fMaxNumDrops, fMaxNumMeasurements);

          // Need an array to hold data for a single drop
          fData = new double[2][fMaxNumMeasurements];
        catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
                    "Cannot open file!", "File Open Failure",
          fInputStatus = InputStatus.ERROR;
        catch (IOException ioe) {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
                    "I/O failure", "File Read Error",
           fInputStatus = InputStatus.ERROR;

      case IN_READ:
        // Now read the data and analze.
        try {
          fNumDrops = fInData.readInt ();    // drop number
          fNumMeasures = fInData.readInt (); // Number of measurements
          // Write the data as an position/time pair
          for (int i=0; i < fNumMeasures; i++) {
            fData[0][i] = fInData.readDouble (); // positions
            fData[1][i] = fInData.readDouble (); // times
          fInputStatus = InputStatus.EVENT_READ;
        catch (EOFException eof) {
          fInputStatus = InputStatus.EOF;
          inputFromFile (InputCmd.OUT_CLOSE);
        catch (IOException e) {
          JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
                    "I/O failure", "File Read Error",
          fInputStatus = InputStatus.ERROR;
          inputFromFile (InputCmd.OUT_CLOSE);

      case OUT_CLOSE:
        // Close file when finished with it.
        try {
          fInData.close ();
        catch (IOException e) {
        JOptionPane.showMessageDialog (
                    "I/O failure on file close!", "File Read Error",

  } // inputFromFile

    * Use a JFileChooser in Open mode to select fFiles
    * to open. Use a filter for FileFilter subclass to select
    * for *.dat fFiles. If a file is selected then read the
    * file and place the string into the textarea.
  boolean openFile () {

    JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser ();
    fc.setDialogTitle ("Open File");

    // Choose only fFiles, not directories
    fc.setFileSelectionMode ( JFileChooser.FILES_ONLY);

    // Start in current directory
    fc.setCurrentDirectory (new File ("."));

    // Set filter for web pages.
    fc.setFileFilter (fDataFilter);

    // Now open chooser
    int result = fc.showOpenDialog (this);

    if (result == JFileChooser.CANCEL_OPTION) {
        return true;
    } else if ( result == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
        fInFile = fc.getSelectedFile ();
        String fInFileName = fInFile.getName ();
        if (fInFileName != null) {
           fFileTextField.setText (fInFileName);
           inputFromFile (InputCmd.IN_SETUP);
        } else
           return false;

    } else {
        return false;
      return true;

  } // openfFile

} // class DropDataAnalysis

/** Class to use with JFileChooser for selecting hypertext fFiles.*/
class DataFilter extends javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter {

  public boolean accept (File f) {
    return f.getName ().toLowerCase ().endsWith (".dat")
        || f.isDirectory ();
  public String getDescription () {
    return "Data files  (*.data)";
} // class DataFilter



References & Web Resources


Most recent update: Oct. 29, 2005


Bit Handling

Data Gen&Analysis

  Demo 1
  Demo 2

  Part I Part II Part III
Java Core 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12 13 14 15 16 17
18 19 20
22 23 24

1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12

Tech 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12
Physics 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10  11  12

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